Disadvantages Dislike of Nobility - The character has a dim view of nobility. He considers nobles to be cowardly bullies, little more than thieves with power and wealth. As a result, the character has trouble trusting or following nobles of any kind. The char-acter expects nobles to turn on him, steal from him, or just plain have him killed. Despite this dislike, the character does not nec-essarily make his displeasure known; along with a dislike of nobles comes fear of their power. In game terms, the player must make a Wisdom/Willpower check whenever a noble asks the character to do something. If the roll fails, the character does his best to ignore or botch the request. If the check succeeds, the character overcomes his distrust for the time being.
Reckless - The character takes unusual risks, often just for effect or to make an entrance. Why, attack the monster when you can swing from a tapestry and land on top of him? Why simply leap the chasm when you can do it with a mid-air som-ersault? The character does not purposefullv risk the hves of others, but his actions are performed with theatrics whenpos-sible. If there is more than one way of accomplishing a task, the Reckless character always takes the hardest path.