Disadvantages Bad Reputation - The character has a reputation that frightens or angers people. The mere mention of the character's name might inspire fear, hatred, or disgust in others, depending on the specific reputation. The character might have the reputation of being unlucky, petty, cruel, or anything that the player and DM agree on. The reputation may or may not be accurate, but word of the character's reputation always travels faster than the character. In game terms, the character with the bad reputation suffers a +2 penalty to all reaction rolls for first encounters. If the the reaction result is "cautious" or worse (see the DMG), the NPCs react in a way that is appropriate to the character's reputation (e.g., fear, anger, etc.). A bad reputation often includes both the name and a description of the character, which might require the character to assume a false name and a disguise when traveling.
Dirt Poor - This unfortunate individual can start play only with a threadbare set of clothing. and the choice of one of the following. Quarterstaff, club, rusty old sword, pages of a spellbook with read magic, detect magic, and one other spell of the DM's choice, or a holy symbol.
Dislike of Nobility - The character has a dim view of nobility. He considers nobles to be cowardly bullies, little more than thieves with power and wealth. As a result, the character has trouble trusting or following nobles of any kind. The char-acter expects nobles to turn on him, steal from him, or just plain have him killed. Despite this dislike, the character does not nec-essarily make his displeasure known; along with a dislike of nobles comes fear of their power. In game terms, the player must make a Wisdom/Willpower check whenever a noble asks the character to do something. If the roll fails, the character does his best to ignore or botch the request. If the check succeeds, the character overcomes his distrust for the time being.
Greed - The character will either be overcome with want for money or power. In either case, the character will stop at nothing to gain it.
Lazy - A sucessful Wisdom/Willpower check must be performed every time some work must be done for the safety of the character. The character will otherwise avoid any type of manual labor.
Stinky - You emmit an unpleasant bodily odor. -3 to all charisma based rolls conducted in close quarters without ventilation; -3 to all intimate romantic interactions. +1 to interact with orcs. go figure.
Tongue-tied - -2 penalty to reaction rolls when discussing important topics with NPCs.
Deep Sleeper - Character requires 1d6 to awaken, and will only begin to do so after a very loud noise or physical prodding.