Personal Information
Name: Rex Player: Padla
Race: Standard half-elf Gender: Male Height: 4'9" Age: 18
Class: Ranger Level: 2 Weight: 165 lbs
XP: 3,825 Alignment: Chaotic Good
Next Level: 4,500 Kit: Pathfinder (CRE)
Ability Scores
Str: 17 Stamina: 16 Weight Allowance: 70 lbs Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 16%
Muscle: 18/0 Attack Adj.: +1 Damage Adj.: +2 Max. Press: 255 lbs Open Doors: 11
Dex: 17 Aim: 16 Missile Adjustment: +1 Pick Pockets: +0% Open Locks: +5%
Balance: 18 Reaction Adjustment: +2 Armor Class: -4 Move Silently: +10% Climb Walls: +10%
Con: 14 Health: 12 System Shock: 80% Poison Save: +0
Fitness: 16 Hit Point Adjustment: +2 Resurrection Chance: 96%
Int: 12 Reason: 10 Max. Spell Level: 5th Max. Spells Per Level: 7 Illusion Immunity: None
Knowledge: 14 Bonus Proficiencies: 4 Chance to Learn New Spell: 60%
Wis: 14 Intuition: 14 Bonus Clerical Spells: 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 Clerical Spell Failure Chance: 0%
Willpower: 14 Magic Defense Adjustment: +0 Spell Immunity: None
Cha: 12 Leadership: 12 Loyalty Base: +0 Maximum Number of Henchmen: 5
Appearance: 12 Initial Reaction Adjustment: +0
Saving Throws
Paralyzation: 14 Poison: 14 Death Magic: 14 Petrification: 15 Polymorph: 15
Rod: 16 Staff: 16 Wand: 16 Breath Weapon: 17 Spell: 17
Hit Points: 21
Base THAC0: 19
Melee THAC0: 18
Missile THAC0: 18
Natural armor class 10
Full armor, studded leather -3
Balance Defensive adj. -4
Weapon Proficiencies
Composite long bow
Sword, long
Fighting Style:
Two Weapon (+2)
Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Alertness. 7
Ambush 9
Blind Fighting 11
Camouflage 8
Direction Sense. 11
Endurance 6
Escape 11
Fire-Building 9
Heal 6
Herbalism 7
Hunting 8
Tracking 13
Trail Marking 10
Native Languages
Common, Elf, Human - New Kont dialect (Kralon), Human - Old Kont dialect - Statron (Kralon)
THAC0 Attacks/ Speed Damage Range (-2) (-5) (-10)
Weapon Melee Missile Round Factor Sm-Med Large Type Size PB / S / M / L / EX
Sword, long 18 1 5 1d8+2 1d12+2 S M
Composite long bow 15 2 7 P L
Composite long bow, sheaf arrow 1d8+1 1d8+1 P S 8 16 34
Racial Abilities
Bow bonus - +1 bonus to attack rolls when using with any bow. (a crossbow is not a bow)
Detect secret doors - Because of their acute senses, half-elves are quick to spot concealed doors and hidden entranceways. Merely passing within 10' of a concealed door allows an elf a one-in-six chance (a 1 on 1d6) to notice it. If actively searching, an elf's chances improve to a two-in-six chance (1 or 2 on 1d6) to find secret doors, and a three-in-six (1, 2, or 3 on 1d6) to notice a concealed door.
Infravision - Infravision with a range of 60'.
Resistance - 30% resistance to sleep and charm spells.

Class Abilities
    Bow bonus - +1 bonus to attack rolls with any type of bow.
    Empathy with animals - May befriend animals.
    Hide in shadows 30% - May hide in natural settings.
    Move silently 31% - May move silently through natural settings.
    Priest spells - May begin to cast Priest spells at 8th level.
    Special enemy - Familiar with one type of creature; granted a +4 to attack rolls and a -4 penalty to reaction rolls when encountering this creature.
    Tracking proficiency - Given the tracking proficiency, and will improve by 1 for every three levels.
    Two-weapon style - May fight with two weapons with no penalty if wearing studded leather armor or lighter.
    Major Spheres of Magic - Animal, Plant

Light Sleeper - With a successful Wisdom/Intuition check, will awaken from any reasonable amount of noise.

Dislike of Nobility - The character has a dim view of nobility. He considers nobles to be cowardly bullies, little more than thieves with power and wealth. As a result, the character has trouble trusting or following nobles of any kind. The char-acter expects nobles to turn on him, steal from him, or just plain have him killed. Despite this dislike, the character does not nec-essarily make his displeasure known; along with a dislike of nobles comes fear of their power. In game terms, the player must make a Wisdom/Willpower check whenever a noble asks the character to do something. If the roll fails, the character does his best to ignore or botch the request. If the check succeeds, the character overcomes his distrust for the time being.
Reckless - The character takes unusual risks, often just for effect or to make an entrance. Why, attack the monster when you can swing from a tapestry and land on top of him? Why simply leap the chasm when you can do it with a mid-air som-ersault? The character does not purposefullv risk the hves of others, but his actions are performed with theatrics whenpos-sible. If there is more than one way of accomplishing a task, the Reckless character always takes the hardest path.

  • Items Carried
    • Backpack
      • Dry rations (1 week)
      • Flint and steel
      • Torch x3
      • Wineskin
    • Composite long bow
    • Quiver
      • Composite long bow, sheaf arrow x24
  • Items Readied
    • Sword, long x2
  • Items Worn
    • Full armor, studded leather
  • Spending Money
    • * Gold Pieces x6
Movement and Encumbrance
Encumbrance: Unencumbered Light Moderate Heavy Severe
Weight (lbs): 0-70 71-100 101-130 131-160 161-195
Movement: 14 10 7 3 1
THAC0: -1 -2 -4
AC: +1 +3
Currently carrying 48.00 pounds (None Encumbrance, 14 Movement)

Generated by the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Core Rules 2.0 Expansion on 11/19/2006 09:15 AM

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